Нарешті побачила світ у США довгоочікувана книга поезій українського автора Олександра Кабанова. Щирі вітання Саші!
Купуємо за посиланням:
Aleksandr Kabanov is Ukraine’s major poet and patriot fighting for the independence of his country by the means at his disposal, his true gifts – words and rhymes. He is also a Russian poet following the long and glorious tradition of his great predecessors – Pushkin, Lermontov, Tsvetaeva, Mandelstam, Pasternak, Akhmatova, Brodsky – who stood up to the brutal tyrannies and unjust wars that the rulers of their tortured motherland unleashed at various turns of history.
And he is a European poet whose works are translated into many languages. He is a citizen of the world, whose poetic universe is populated with the treasures, pains and beauties of the Western civilization – the besieged towers of Troy and the besieged Leningrad, Goethe and Ghetto, Sistine Chapel and Brussels brothel, Homer, Shakespeare, Bach, Venus de Milo, skies of Barcelona, vineyards of Tuscany…
THE AGE OF VENGEANCE: Wartime Verses from Kyiv: Aleksandr, Aleksandr, Kabanov, Aleksandr: 9798398288001: Amazon.com: Books